The story originated from an article (archived here) where it was published on April 3, 2019 under the title "Eating Vaginal Fluids Makes you Immune To Cancer, And Other Diseases". It opened:
Scientists at St. Austen University in North Carolina, they investigated the benefits of vaginal or nervous consumption and the results were amazing. It contains active proteins for 10 minutes after leaving the fluid body body.This study confirms that Dr. John D. was pointing out. Moore in his study of "Equivalent Exchange" in 2009, indicating that women and men take advantage of it.
Vagina is rich in vitamins like liquid proteins, sodium, C1, C4, C4, VC and other.
These is an example of the fake story being shared on social media:
"Eating vaginal fluids makes you immune to cancer, and other diseases.
-- Wordsmith (@ZinaSpeaks) April 6, 2019
Do it for health.
Scientists at St.Austin University in North Carolina, investigated the benefits of vaginal or cervical mucus consumption and the results were amazing"@DrOlufunmilayo please confirm this pic.twitter.com/nFb5kd6NTC
The story also makes these bizarre claims of the benefits that "swallowing of vagina" offers:
1. Delete buttons and buttons
2. Encourages cells' electrical charges
3. Prevent prostate cancer
4. Improved digestion
5. Very effective against capture
6. It strengthens teeth and bones
7. Help kidney work. Everything is for your health!
Lead Stories did not specifically check the benefits of the "swallowing" for your "delete buttons" or its effectiveness "against capture," but we do know it does not prevent prostate cancer.
Finally, there is no St. Austen University (or any school with a similar name) in North Carolina.